Sunday, April 11, 2010

As Spring begins, you may be reflecting on your health and how you are feeling. While your thoughts turn to being healthy, all too often, people fail to follow through with their resolutions once a busy and hectic life begins to get in the way.Perhaps the best way to ensure success is to commit to an attainable goal that has concrete meaning in your life. A perfect example would be a resolution to focus on maintaining proper dental health. Besides the obvious benefit of ensuring healthy teeth and gums, maintaining proper dental health also plays an important role in your overall general health. If your body is constantly fighting off infections in your teeth and gums, it can adversely affect its ability to fight infections, viruses, and bacteria elsewhere in your body.The first step to taking care of your dental health is to brush and floss regularly. By regularly, we recommend at least twice a day, although there is no harm in increasing your brushing and flossing regimen beyond this level. Furthermore, reducing your intake of sweets can also help prevent the development of cavities.While regular brushing and flossing will greatly improve your dental hygiene, it is not enough to prevent the build-up of plaque and tartar on your teeth, which ultimately leads to tooth decay and gum disease. It is important to visit our office at least twice a year for regular check-ups. This will ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy, and if any problems do arise, regular check-ups will enable us to treat the problem before it becomes serious.The Kern dental office offers excellent dentistry for people of all ages. We recognize that different stages of life present different dental needs. Therefore, we offer a variety of services that will treat the entire spectrum of dental health issues affecting different members of your family. The easiest way to ensure a healthy smile throughout your life is to maintain proper dental hygiene and go for regular dental check-ups at least twice a year. This is certainly an attainable goal. We hope it makes your list.

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